Another key component in portable hot tub design is the cover. Hot tub covers have several important tasks; the most important is safety. Simply put, the ability to lock the cover prevents unwanted entry to the hot tub.

Another important function they perform is insulating the hot tub against heat loss. When properly used, they can help maintain water temperature even in the coldest climates. A typical cover is approximately 76.2-mm (3-in.) thick and has a slight taper to help with water runoff. Most comprise expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam, the same material used in coolers to keep drinks cold.
The EPS, which has good insulating properties, is relatively lightweight and is covered in a 0.127- to 0.1778-mm (5- to 7-mil) sealed bag. EPS cores are made to fit inside marine-grade vinyl covers that are available in many colours and textures to match the hot tub’s exterior. They are also designed with a seam in the centre, which acts as a hinge, allowing users to easily open and close the cover.
Interior hot tub lights are not only a safety requirement, they also add to the esthetics of the hot tub design. Older models used incandescent bulbs with snap on colour lenses that created colours inside the hot tub. This was basically the same setup used in pools but on a smaller scale.

Modern hot tubs, however, take advantage of the latest in energy-efficient lighting technologies such as LED lighting. This relatively new technology is perfect for the hot tub industry as it can provide multi-colour lighting, light shows and low operating costs.
Further, LED lights also have a long lifespan and in most instances will last the life of the hot tub. They are one of the most popular features with consumers and manufacturers are responding to demand with new and innovative designs.
LED lights are being used on the hot tub’s exterior as well. They can serve as pathway or accent lighting for the hot tub itself. Many exterior lighting systems are designed to work with a photo cell that will turn the lights on at dusk and off at dawn. This is a common feature found in other architectural lighting products.
Water management

One area that has seen significant improvement in the last few years is water management. This not only applies to the technologies that help keep the water clean, but also the energy these systems use. For example, some new systems are using small magnetic drive circulation pumps to circulate and clean the water. These systems are far more efficient than using larger jet pumps to do the work.
Not only are smaller pumps more efficient, but most of the heat created during their use is returned to the water. This helps keep the hot tub temperature stable, while also reducing the amount of time the heater has to operate. These newer, circulation pump-driven water management systems not only provide consumers with a cleaner, healthier hot tub, they also reduce maintenance costs.