New NSPF website tracks aquatic-related incidents worldwide

by MODE, ignore | December 27, 2012 7:40 pm

New NSPF Website
The Worldwide Aquatic News Incident Database (WANID), a new website developed by the National Swimming Pool Foundation® (NSPF), allows industry professionals to track global aquatic incidents, which occur in, or are related to, swimming pools and hot tubs.

The National Swimming Pool Foundation® (NSPF) has developed a new website for tracking global aquatic incidents, which occur in, or are related to, swimming pools and hot tubs.Called the Worldwide Aquatic News Incident Database (WANID) ([1]), the website, which is free to access, also includes the results of any pool/spa-related incidents (e.g. injury, illness, and death) as well as keeps record of any aquatic-related lawsuits and pool closures.

According to the NSPF, data collection for WANID started in May 2006 by drawing from online news reports. Although the database is not completely comprehensive, it contains about 2,500 records to date.

“We have been tracking and categorizing news stories for years to help us understand the issues in our field,” says NSPF CEO, Thomas M. Lachocki, PhD. “Understanding issues empowers us all to undertake resolutions.”

WANID has several searchable fields allowing users to pinpoint specific incidences depending on their interests. These fields include: pool type (residential/commercial), incident type, country, state, date range, age, gender, and ethnicity when reported. A hyperlink to the original news report is also available.

In terms of incident type, the website tracks the following: air quality, bodily fluid, chemical exposure, chlorine spill/leak, drowning, injury/accident, lawsuit, pool closure, shallow water blackout, suction entrapment as well as recreational water illnesses (RWIs) such as Cryptosporidium, E.Coli, Giardia, Legionella pneumophila, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Norovirus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.


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