The Swimming Pool Retail Academy has developed a new online training program called ‘How Pools Operate’ to provide employees with basic knowledge to become a more effective resource for customers.
To help retailers compete with the increasing number of pool owners using the Internet as a primary source for product information, the Swimming Pool Retail Academy has developed an online training program to provide employees with basic knowledge to become a more effective resource for customers.
The course, ‘How Pools Operate,’ offers six interactive lessons and covers basic information on pool operation, including types of pools, circulation, filtration, cleaning, testing and basic chemistry. Lessons contain self-guided activity worksheets that can be performed in the store environment, along with comprehensive glossaries, digital note cards for review, a final exam and a certificate of completion. Employees can also complete the online courses at their convenience, outside of store hours.
“While a majority of pool owners have traditionally viewed knowledgeable staff as the leading virtue of specialty pool retailers, recent data shows the Internet has become the pool owner’s number-one source for information,” said Larry Bloom, co-founder of Swimming Pool Retail Academy, which provides consulting, education and productivity tools for the retail pool industry. “This is a red flag for traditional specialty retailers. To ensure they keep their loyal, brick-and-mortar customer base, they have to find ways to win back their competitive advantage as the primary source for credible pool information.”
With this in mind, training is designed to help every employee reach a basic knowledge threshold quickly, giving them the confidence to attract and maintain loyal customers. In announcing the launch of this program, the Swimming Pool Retail Academy is offering every North American pool business, which registers before May 12, one free seat for the entire course. For more information, visit www.swimmingpoolacademy.com.