Community Associations Institute releases guidelines for pool reopenings

by Dave Flaherty | May 27, 2020 3:53 am

The Community Associations Institute (CAI) has released guidelines for condominium communities and homeowner associations regarding the reopening or opening of pools during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Community Associations Institute (CAI) has released guidelines for condominium communities and homeowner associations regarding the reopening or opening of pools during the COVID-19 pandemic.

As states and municipalities ease or lift stay-at-home orders, condominium communities and homeowners associations (HOA) are determining when and how to safely open or reopen pools. Community Associations Institute (CAI) has released recommended pool guidelines that communities can follow while balancing what residents want and what government officials allow.

CAI has addressed numerous questions from condo and HOA board members and community managers on the topic of opening or reopening neighbourhood pools during the COVID-19 pandemic.

On May 7, CAI hosted a one-hour live Q&A forum where more than 1000 community association leaders asked questions and gathered essential information from industry lawyers, community managers, and business partners.

According to CAI, community associations should follow state and federal orders when considering whether they can and should open the community pool.

“The real issue is compliance,” said Scott Carpenter, a shareholder and managing partner at Carpenter Hazlewood in Phoenix, Ariz., and a fellow in CAI’s College of Community Association Lawyers (CCAL). “Can associations do it in a way where they comply with federal and states restrictions and follow public health recommendations?”

“We know pools are a quintessential summertime destination for community associations, and they represent a gathering place where residents get to know each other and build community spirit,” said Dawn M. Bauman, CAE, CAI’s senior vice-president of government and public affairs. As an organization representing more than 45,000 members, CAI and its membership have been working to offer solutions, guidance, and care to more than 73.5 million Americans and millions around the world living in community associations impacted by COVID-19.

For more information, visit[1]


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