Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada (PHTCC) members concluded the 2018 fiscal year at its annual general meeting (AGM) held during the Canadian Pool & Spa Conference & Expo in Niagara Falls, Ont.
Council members who attended the Dec. 4, 2018 meeting approved last year’s financial report as well as the proposed budget for 2019, which was presented by Catherine Duclos, the PHTCC’s interim executive director, Rob Kamstra (2018 president), and Dave Warren (2018 secretary).
Duclos’ year-end report highlighted the council’s continued growth in membership, which again could be attributed to the PoolSaver program that was launched by six hydro utilities in Ontario in 2017. Today, it has expanded to include Waterloo North Hydro, Kitchener/Wilmot Hydro, Energy+, Hydro One, Veridian Connections, and Whitby Hydro Electric Corporation.
Other notable accomplishments made by the pool council in 2018 included:
- A new elective course was added to the PHTCC’s Industry Trade Certification Program called ‘Marketing and Merchandising for the Modern Pool & Spa Retailer,’ which made its Canadian debut at the 2018 conference and expo.
- Committees were established to develop programs and initiatives and to explore ideas which can be turned into actionable items.
- A new awards committee will be formed this year. This group’s task will be to review and amend the current categories, judging criteria, and website as a complete overhaul of the awards program is planned.
- A new governance policy covering product warranty obligations was ratified and the PHTCC’s standard for the Construction of Residential Outdoor Inground Swimming Pools was endorsed by the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals (APSP) and the International Code Council (ICC).
- A national advertising campaign promoting PHTCC members was launched through the Weather Network in the spring of 2018 and the chapters continued their marketing and public awareness efforts in a variety of regions across the country with billboard, bus shelter, radio, and movie theatre advertising. An ad promoting membership was also created and included in the very first Pool & Spa Marketing wall calendar.
Additional achievements were made with respect to new program development, industry/member promotion, and advocacy/lobbying efforts.
Warren represented the PHTCC and conducted a training program at the request of the National Spa and Pool Institute (NSPI) of South Africa (without cost to the council). The PHTCC was also represented at the World Alliance of Pool & Spa Associations (WAPSA) in Lyon, France.
Further, a reciprocal agreement has been signed with Australia whereas members in good standing with the PHTCC, classified in membership categories as builders, dealers, designers, retailers, installers, franchisees, buying groups, or service companies, will be recognized as affiliated members of the Swimming Pool & Spa Association of Australia (SPASA). Affiliated membership holders will enjoy all of the rights and privileges of the SPASA membership for their classification and SPASA members in the same membership categories and in good standing will benefit from what the PHTCC has to offer.
Finally, a letter was issued to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau regarding the potential impact of the Canada/U.S. trade dispute on the aquatic recreation industry. In addition, a presentation on pool safety was made to the City of Toronto on behalf of the PHTCC and industry.
Those in attendance also welcomed the incoming 2019 national board of directors, which includes: Nicole Gray (president), Crystal Lengua (vice-president and Toronto chapter), Rob Kamstra (past president and Toronto chapter), Rodney Taylor (secretary and Alberta chapter), David Warren (treasurer and Toronto chapter), Nicolas Guillotte (Quebec chapter), Markus Brunner (western Ontario chapter), Alex Graham (Prairie chapter), Roland Goodfellow (Niagara chapter), Kara Redden (Atlantic chapter), Jayme Sweeney (Eastern Ontario chapter), and Steve Vicente (Ontario Central chapter).
Plaques were also presented to Kamstra for his leadership as the Council’s 2018 national president and Mark Fournier in recognition of his service to the PHTCC as a member of the board of directors.