PHTCC certifies 14 industry professionals under its education program

by jason_cramp | March 22, 2018 10:04 am

Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada (PHTCC) members attain certification[1]
More than a dozen Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada (PHTCC) members recently attained certification as ‘Specialists’ and/or ‘Experts’ under the council’s Industry Trade Certification Program.

Three years after the Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada (PHTCC) awarded the first individual ‘specialist’ and ‘expert’ certification recipients under its Industry Trade Certification Program, the council recently announced another 14 industry professionals have achieved certification.

The following individuals have completed the course requirements as specialists:

The following individuals have successfully completed the course requirements to attain the designation of experts:

The PHTCC’s certification program provides opportunities for members to work toward skill designations through the successful completion of a range of educational offerings. To become qualified as an ‘Aquatic Recreation Industry Specialist’ (Level One—Fundamentals) industry professionals must complete four coure courses and three elective courses.

To achieve the designation of  ‘Aquatic Recreation Industry Expert’ (Level Two—Advanced), industry professionals must complete the ‘specialist’ level, plus an additional four core courses and six elective courses (i.e. three additional beyond the ‘specialist’ level). The deadline for completion of the program has been extended to five years.

For more information on the PHTCC’s Industry Trade Certification Program, including an outline and course listings, visit[2].

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