BC Summer Games Legacy funding has enabled Ladysmith, B.C., to make improvements to its pool equipment.
This funding also provides a major competitive boost to the Ladysmith-Chemainus Orcas Swim Club (LCSC). The town, as part of a joint application with the LCSC, was successfully awarded $10,000 in legacy funding at an event last summer to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the youth games held in Cowichan Valley, B.C.
The Frank Jameson Community Centre (FJCC) pool features new lanes ropes that are being used during daily public swim sessions, which provide a better fitness experience by quelling waves and improving overall safety because of the buoyancy of the lines. A reel was also purchased allowing, the equipment to be safely stored when not in use.
Recently, four starter blocks were also installed on the pool deck at FJCC. These starter blocks are used in competitive swim meets and come with a sliding wedge.
Swimmers will benefit from training equipment enhancements as they strive for higher levels of competition. In addition to the games legacy funding, additional financial support for these improvements was provided by the Town of Ladysmith and LCSC.