Hayward Pool Products Canada Inc., has announced the Ontario schedule for its 2019 technical training program called ‘Hayward University.’
This year, 11 different courses will be offered—eight at the company’s office in Oakville, Ont., and three in Ottawa at the Best Western Hotel located at 1876 Robertson Rd. Each session is designed to provide industry professionals with basic and advanced knowledge on product installation, operation, service, repair, and troubleshooting.
The training sessions will take place between March and April and will cover the following:
- OmniLogic and VS Omni (basics)
- OmniLogic and VS Omni (advanced)
- ProLogic and salt systems (basics)
- ProLogic and heater (basics)
- ProLogic (advanced) and lights, water features, and valve actuators
- ProLogic (advanced) and variable-speed pumps (VSPs)
- Salt system, heater, and robotic cleaner (basics)
- Lights, water features, valve actuators, VSPs, robotic cleaners
- Automation (basics) (ProLogic, OmniLogic, and VS Omni)
- Automation (advanced) (ProLogic, OmniLogic, and VS Omni)
- VSPs, robotic cleaners, and salt systems
The registration fee is $80 per course/per person. In addition to the classroom sessions, participants will also receive hands-on training, a training manual (PDF), lunch and snacks, and a golf shirt.
At the end of each day, attendees will be required to answer a short exam to test their knowledge. Those who score 90 per cent or higher on the exam will get a refund on the course registration fee.
For more information, look for ‘Hayward University’ in Pool & Spa Marketing’s online calendar.
Could not find Ottawa dates re: Best Western at 1876 Roberstson road
Hello Campbell – The Ottawa dates are now available on our online calendar.
Regards, Pool & Spa Marketing