Want to share your point of view? Take part in our 2020 industry survey!

by jason_cramp | January 11, 2020 12:22 pm

Pool & Spa Marketing is surveying members of the pool and spa/hot tub industry to compile a business and employment analysis of Canada's aquatics sector.[1]
Pool & Spa Marketing is surveying members of the pool and spa/hot tub industry to compile a business and employment analysis of Canada’s aquatics sector.

For the 12th consecutive year, Pool & Spa Marketing is conducting a census of Canada’s pool and spa/hot tub industry, and we need your input.

The short, anonymous survey[2] asks about work experience, income, job satisfaction, training and certification, industry conditions, as well as market forecasts to provide a business and employment analysis of Canada’s aquatics sector. (To see last year’s results, watch the three-part video series here[3].)

This year’s survey is open until Sunday, February 7, 2021; visit www.poolspamarketing.com/industrysurvey/[4]. The results will be published in the April 2021 issue of Pool & Spa Marketing.

  1. [Image]: https://www.poolspamarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/JC_IndustrySurvey.jpg
  2. survey: https://www.poolspamarketing.com/salarysurvey/
  3. three-part video series here: https://www.poolspamarketing.com/videos/state-of-the-industry-2019-survey-results-part-1/
  4. www.poolspamarketing.com/industrysurvey/: https://www.poolspamarketing.com/salarysurvey/?utm_campaign=PSM_2018_salarysurvey&utm_medium=email&utm_source=personalemail&utm_content=survey

Source URL: https://www.poolspamarketing.com/trade/news/briefs/take-part-2020-pool-spa-industry-survey/