According to a report by CBC, The City of Toronto has decided to increase wages for its aquatics staff positions due to the city-wide shortfall of qualified swimming industry workforce.
The wage hike was in response to a request for a review of aquatic staff pay put in by the Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 79 earlier in the year.
A press release by the city communicated how the wage changes will affect the current employees numbering at 2,000 while new recruits into lifeguard, swim instructor and wading pool attendant roles will start at an increased pay rate. Waterfront lifeguard and swim instructor positions will see a 19 per cent climb from $17.80 to $21.19 per hour.
The statement further stated that even though the city faced a shortfall, still 90 per cent of the summer aquatic staff vacancies had been filled.
The city will keep the weekend and week-long courses for candidates interested in learning about aquatics leadership running, so interested applicants can gain certification.