by Samantha Ashenhurst | January 8, 2019 2:16 pm
Jatinder Sidhu, COO of Vancouver-based Coast Spas Manufacturing, has received a fellowship award from the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals (APSP) in recognition of his contribution to the aquatics industry.
A 17-year veteran of the spa/hot tub business, Sidhu has served under the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) and the National Swimming Pool Foundation (NSPF) Salt Water Task Group. Further, he has represented the industry in a global capacity through his appointments to the U.S. Technical Advisory Group TC 61, the European Committee for Standardization, (The Deutsches Institut für Normung or German Institute of Standardization) TC 402/WG4, the British Standards Institute (BSI), the APSP – International Hot Tub Association (APSP-IHTA), the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and APSP 14 (Portable Hot Tub Energy Efficiency Standard).
“While serving within these international organizations, Sidhu has been an advocate of higher standards in consumer safety for all brands of hot tubs and swim spas,” said Oran Wakelam, the company’s marketing manager, in a press release. “His role as an educator is invaluable towards the betterment of the industry’s trade as a whole while committing himself to excellence. Through his business interactions he has fostered a cohesive community where the ultimate goal is the improvement of the pool and spa industry.”
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