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Contribute your expertise to pool plastering standards

swimming pool
The draft revision is available and can be found on the PHTA website. Photo courtesy elenathewise/

The Pool & Hot Tub Alliance (PHTA) has welcomed public review and comments on revisions to the ANSI/APSP/ICC/NPC-12 2016, American National Standard for the Plastering of Swimming Pools and Spas.

The standard, which addresses the cementitious interior finish of both public and residential swimming pools, spas, and other aquatic facilities, is an essential document for developing specifications for swimming pools.

New content was added to ensure the standard reflects current industry practices and requirements. The writing committee also revised sections on applicability to public and/or residential pools and spas. Many of the changes were developed in co-ordination with members of the National Plasterers Council (NPC).

The PHTA-12 standard sets forth the identification and stipulation of non-structural cementitious finish coating materials for usage in plastering, the application and finishing methodologies based on common accepted trade practices, and the installation of non-structural cementitious interior finish coatings for in-ground swimming pools or other cementitious water-containment vessels.

This standard applies to pool builders, manufacturers, plastering companies, pool service companies, testing laboratories, certifying bodies, pool designers, public health and building code officials, local municipalities, pool and spa operators, and consumers who use this type of pool.

Pool, spa, and hot tub professionals and non-industry members are welcome to review the revisions and submit comments for consideration. The draft revision is available for a 45-day public review on the PHTA website.

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