Fate of popular London, Ont., outdoor pool remains unclear

by arslan_ahmed | March 23, 2023 10:28 am

London, Ont., city council has postponed its decision on the fate of Thames Park Pool, a beloved gathering spot in the Old South neighbourhood, due to its problematic location from an engineering perspective. Photo courtesy Bigstock.

London city council has postponed its decision on the fate of Thames Park Pool, a beloved gathering spot in the Old South neighbourhood, due to its problematic location from an engineering perspective.

According to a report[2] from CBC News, although staff had recommended its permanent closure, a unanimous motion passed by the community and protective services committee has directed staff to explore more options for new aquatics amenities in the neighbourhood and hold more consultations with residents.

The motion also calls for an investigation into whether the pool—which was closed last year after cracks were found—can be opened for next year’s swimming season.

Coun. Skylar Franke acknowledged the pool’s location is both the “best” and the “worst,” as it holds a cherished place in Old South, but it is also prone to flooding and frost heave. The decision on its future is considered a “no-win situation” by Mayor Josh Morgan. However, the motion will give more time for the community to weigh in on the matter before a final decision is made.

Deputy Mayor Shawn Lewis referred to information in the staff report that indicated the pool had undergone full rebuilds in 1959, 1975, and 2010, as well as extensive repairs in the 1980s and 1990s. While Lewis supported exploring the option of keeping the pool open a little longer, he suggested the community may have to acknowledge building a new or repaired 50-m (164-ft) outdoor pool at that location may not be feasible.

Lewis believes the pool’s current location is not ideal, and regular infrastructure renewal would be necessary if it were to remain there. Instead, he advocated for investing in something the community could enjoy year-round for the next 50 years. Lewis also noted London’s recreation master plan discouraged the construction of additional outdoor pools due to their shorter swim season and other factors. Staff confirmed the pool could not be repaired and reopened for the coming summer.

A resident named Rick King expressed satisfaction with the committee’s decision to keep the pool’s future options open, saying thoughtful consideration was a step in the right direction, and avoiding hasty decisions was the best approach. The motion will soon be presented to council for final approval.

  1. [Image]: https://www.poolspamarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/AA_ThamesParkPool.jpg
  2. report: https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6786329

Source URL: https://www.poolspamarketing.com/trade/news/fate-of-popular-london-ont-outdoor-pool-remains-unclear/