Fredericton’s new aquatic centre likely to be delayed for years

by arslan_ahmed | January 12, 2023 1:01 pm

The city of Fredericton and the region is working on a new aquatic centre, but there is no definite timeline yet as to when the pool is expected to be open, likely delaying its opening for years.

The city of Fredericton and the region is working on a new aquatic centre, but there is no definite timeline yet as to when the pool is expected to be open, likely delaying its opening for years.

The discussion of a new pool in the city started in 2012, when Sir Max Aitken pool on the University of New Brunswick (UNB) campus was decommissioned.

According to CBC[2], executive director of the Regional Service Commission says he forecasts the project to send out a request for proposal (RFP) from architects in the next few weeks. He told the media that last year a lot of time was devoted by the city and neighbouring municipalities on getting a governance structure in place. The commission is currently involved in creating an RFP framework so companies can send in the proposals. However, the location of the pool and what it would look like once its built have still not been decided.

“There have been a number of locations discussed over the years. I believe the most recent location that’s been discussed is adjacent to the Grant-Harvey Centre,” says the executive director of the Regional Service Commission. “When we talk about location, the size of the pool, what exactly would be included in a facility … all of that will be determined during the design phase itself.”

The director also said the commission has talked to both the provincial and federal governments about receiving the funding, but nothing substantial has come out of it yet. Another possibility is to keep UNB’s pool open, but eventually it will have to be shutdown.

Chris Ramsey, president of the Fredericton Regional Aquatic Centre (FRAC), pointed out the necessity for a new pool in the city, given that even with two other pools, the Fredericton Indoor Pool and the YMCA pool, there is a shortage of availability of swimming spaces for the youth in the region.

  1. [Image]:
  2. CBC:

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