Pool retailers are advising customers to ensure they have enough liquid chlorine on hand to sanitize their pools this summer, as supply chain issues are still affecting availability and price margins across Canada.
According to a CTV News report, International Pool & Spa Centers in Oshawa, Ont., will only allow each customer to purchase up to 10 L (2.19 gal) of chlorine per visit to make sure there is enough to go around for other pool owners.
The reason for rationing the available chlorine is the store’s 10,000 L (2199 gal) tank—which is usually filled three times per week—is now only being filled to 80 per cent capacity once per week.
With the influx of new pool installations over the last two years, demand for liquid chlorine is at an all-time high. Factory shutdowns have also contributed to product shortages, with some retailers having to increase prices by 30 to 50 per cent.
“Transporting the product has tripled over the past year,” Harry Martyniuk, with Pioneer Family Pools, told CTV News. “You have a tight supply, and you put in all together and you have much higher pricing.”
The report says chlorine pucks and granular chlorine are still available, but liquid chlorine may be in short supply throughout the summer.