Manitoba community pool to debut new spray park this summer

by brittney_cutler_2 | April 6, 2022 3:27 pm

Courtesy Big Stock[1]
A pool facility in Hartney, Man., is getting a $100,000 upgrade to include a new spray park for the community to enjoy this summer.

A pool facility in Hartney, Man., is getting a $100,000 upgrade to include a new spray park for the community to enjoy this summer.

“Our pool is in pretty good shape. We replaced the liner about eight years ago and a new pool building a few years ago. The spray park should be ready to go for the 2022 swimming season,” Debra Turner, recreation director for the Fern Valley Recreation District told

“We’ve had a committee that has worked tirelessly over the past number of years. They’ve held fundraising with things such as bake sales, and everything has just really paid off.”

Construction started last fall with a cement pad installation. The other components are purchased and will be put together this spring.

“We’re looking for more sponsorship to add even more items at the pool,” said Turner in the report. “We hope to open the Hartney Swimming Pool on June 3.”

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