by Dave Flaherty | November 25, 2020 2:04 pm
Tile Council of North America (TCNA) has approved the new specific and measurable walkway safety criteria for swimming pools, spas, and hot tubs by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO).
The 2021 Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa, & Hot Tub Code (USPSHTC) establishes for the first time, measurable criteria (and a required test method) for suitably slip-resistant surfaces around pools, spas, and hot tubs.
The USPSHTC Slip Resistance Task Group led by Bill Griese, TCNA’s director of standards development and sustainability initiatives, developed improvements to the code language, which went through a public comment period this fall and has now been approved by IAPMO’s Swimming Pool, Spa, and Hot Tub Technical Committee to be part of the USPSHTC.
“IAPMO’s decision to incorporate the recommended code language provides code officials, inspectors, and specifiers, among others, with model code criteria they have not had before to appropriately assess walkway surfaces that are intended to be slip-resistant,” said Griese. “It’s important for owners and specifiers to be aware of these criteria in order to properly specify and maintain flooring, which can help keep people safe.”
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