Ottawa taking it slow and steady on pool reopenings

by Dave Flaherty | July 8, 2020 12:12 pm

The City of Ottawa has opened some wading pools and indoor/outdoor pools this week. Other facilities will be opened using a phased-in approach over the new few weeks.
The City of Ottawa has opened some wading pools and indoor/outdoor pools this week. Other facilities will be opened using a phased-in approach over the new few weeks.

Ottawa has taken a phased-approach to opening wading pools and a gradual opening of indoor and outdoor swimming pool facilities with COVID-19 prevention measures.

The first group of city wading pools opened on Monday, July 6 and a second group on July 13, as wading pool attendants will be present at the pool to provide safety supervision, and admission numbers will be reduced to allow for physical distancing.

Indoor and outdoor pool facilities also opened with a phased approach beginning this week, with additional pools opening the following week and the remainder set to open at later dates.

The number of swimmers will be significantly reduced for both public and lane swims to ensure physical distancing can be maintained. To accommodate as many swimmers as possible, swims will be scheduled in one-hour sessions with 15 minute blocks between sessions to allow staff to manage numbers entering and exiting the facility, and to perform additional cleaning.

In the initial phase of the pool reopenings, city officials recommends against people over the age of 65 and those who are immunocompromised or have underlying health issues participating in any swimming program.

To help reduce risk, some of the COVID-19 measures and protocols that will be in place at the pool facilities include:

Swimmers are asked to do their part to protect themselves and others by showering at home before going to the pool; wear their bathing suit to the pool; washing or sanitizing hands; staying home when exhibiting any symptoms; keeping a distance of 2 m (6.5 ft) from other swimmers and staff; and wearing a mask while walking in the facility.

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