PHTCC’s Atlantic chapter partners with Efficiency Nova Scotia for VSP rebate program

by sonia_yooshing | April 23, 2019 10:21 am

The Pool and Hot Tub Council of Canada’s (PHTCC’s) Atlantic chapter has partnered with Efficiency Nova Scotia which is offering a variable-speed pump (VSP) rebate program for Class 5 and 12 members. [1]
The Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada’s (PHTCC’s) Atlantic chapter has partnered with Efficiency Nova Scotia which is offering a variable-speed pump (VSP) rebate program for Class 5 and 12 members.

The Atlantic chapter of the Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada (PHTCC) has partnered with Efficiency Nova Scotia, a utility which manages conservation and energy efficiency programs, for a variable-speed pumps (VSPs) rebate program.

The program is exclusively open to Class 5 and 12 members of the PHTCC; however, training is mandatory to participate in the new program. A training session was held on April 10 at the Scotiabank Theatre in Halifax.

With this new program in place, pool builders can offer rebates to customers before closing a deal.

Now, homeowners can get a $200 rebate on any pre-approved Energy Star VSP that is sold and installed on a residential pool within Nova Scotia.

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