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PHTCC’s executive director resigns

Bill Roberton has resigned as executive director of The Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada (PHTCC).
Bill Roberton has resigned as executive director of the Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada (PHTCC).

Bill Roberton has resigned as executive director of the Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada (PHTCC) after two-and-a-half years of service.

According to Brad Bryson, the council’s national president, despite the financial impact of not being able to hold a live trade show the past two years, the association was working with its executive team, including Roberton, to find opportunities and seek options to create savings.

“For years, the trade show has basically been the council’s sole source of revenue,” says Bryson. “We have worked to incorporate additional revenue streams, such as the educational offerings and seminars we put on virtually. Although this was done effectively, it was not enough.

Having to cancel the live trade show (for the second year in a row), we were looking at a budget shortfall of more than $100,000. So, the executive had to look at ways of reducing this loss.”

One option the PHTCC considered was proposing Roberton with a revised contract that utilized a reduced workweek.

“We were in conversation from the time we had to make the decision to cancel the show. This is when it was decided we had to come up with another solution. We were going through a process with Bill on this and, at the end of the day, he had determined it wasn’t a suitable fit for him, so unfortunately, we had to go separate ways.

“It was somewhat mutual in the sense we were trying our best to come to an agreement, and he was involved in the discussions, but we just couldn’t find mutual ground.”

The council’s executive is discussing its next steps; however, the association is not planning to undergo a search for a new executive director at this time.

In terms of what this means for members, Bryson says there is not much change. If members have any questions or concerns, or need to contact the association, the PHTCC office is still staffed. Mette Yellowlees, manager, national expo and chapter services, and Aman Syal, manager, programs and marketing, are working full-time for the council and are being supported by the national executive board of directors.

“All of us are working with Aman and Mette to make sure nothing falls through the cracks, and that we’re staying on top of everything so we can continue to keep the council moving in a forward direction,” says Bryson.

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