Pleatco Filtration has extended its sponsorship as the official partner of the United States Synchronized Swimming (USSS) or USA Synchro for the 2019.
Synchronized swimming (also known as Artistic Swimming) is a part of the Federation International de Natation Amateur (FINA) and USSS aims to support the development of youth sport, health, confidence, engaged lifestyle, and community spirit across the country.
Pleatco will continue to support USSS as they seek team status in the upcoming Olympic Games, continue to improve grass roots programs, and develop event experiences to grow the sport.
“Pleatco is a leader in the science and technology of water filtration which is significant for our sport,” said USSS’s CEO Adam Andrasko. “USSS is proud to be associated with Pleatco that has its own ethos set as high as the standards our athletes and organization strive to achieve daily.” “Pleatco continues to help our organization at all levels from beginners to the National Olympic Team.”
Pleatco’s CEO Rick Von Drehle added, “Giving back to the community is a deeply held value at Pleatco. It’s in our (DNA) deoxyribonucleic acid. We consider it our responsibility to make a positive impact in the industry and communities we serve. As a part of our commitment to excellence we are delighted to be a key sponsor of USSS. We look forward to playing a supportive role in the sport’s development throughout 2019 and beyond. We are passionate about helping people live healthy, happy, and inspired lives.”