Red Deer, another Alberta city permits topless swimming at public pools

by arslan_ahmed | July 12, 2023 4:49 pm

The City of Red Deer is yet another Alberta city to follow Edmonton in implementing topless swimming policy.[1]
The City of Red Deer is yet another Alberta city to follow Edmonton in implementing topless swimming policy. Photo courtesy Bigstock.

Swim tops are no longer mandatory in pools in the City of Red Deer, in accordance with the Alberta Human Rights Act. This is yet another city in Alberta to follow suit after Edmonton made tops optional at public swimming pools earlier this year.

According to a report by Red Deer Advocate[2], on the opposite end of the swimwear spectrum, the city now also allows swimmers to wear various options such as burkinis, head-to-toe coverage, shorts, and t-shirts for reasons related to culture, religion, or personal preferences.

The same report also related that according to city recreation superintendent Barb McKee, Red Deer is somewhat late in implementing these changes compared to other mid-sized cities and larger centres in Alberta that had already adopted similar policies.

McKee also told the publication that the Alberta act on swimwear has not seen any changes recently, but what is responsible for the swimwear policy changes is the reviewed analysis and implementation of the act to be more inclusive. Earlier, she said staff at the city pools would only ask those who appeared to be female to cover up, while those who appeared to be male and identified as such were not asked to do so. However, now, nobody topless at pools will be approached and asked to cover up.

  1. [Image]:
  2. Red Deer Advocate:

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