The top trending news stories and features of 2019
by habiba_abudu | January 7, 2020 4:12 pm
[1]From mergers and acquistions to plans for the world’s first 360-degree high-rise pool, Waterlines has delivered an abundance of breaking news in 2019. Many feature articles in Pool & Spa Marketing also captivated readers, ranging from unique installations to smart technology.
Here is 2019’s must-read content:
Top news stories
Canadian water treatment manufacturer acquires NC Brands[2]
Plans revealed for world’s first 360-degree pool[3]
Pool builders, service techs now require license in New Jersey[4]
New legislation marks the end of Ontario’s Poolsaver program[5]
Nicole Gray introduced as 2019 national PHTCC president[6]
Top feature articles
Breathing easy: Study targets improving air quality at indoor aquatic facilities[7]
Modest pool permit increase a result of weather and softening economy[8]
Strategies for chloramine removal: Best practices for maintaining proper air and water quality at indoor pools[9]
Using cast concrete to create unique residential outdoor retreats[10]
Selling the idea of less work and more fun[11]
Don’t miss out on what’s to come in 2020! Sign up today to receive email communication from Pool & Spa Marketing, and you’ll be the first to know about the latest news from within the North American pool and spa/hot tub industry.
Canadian water treatment manufacturer acquires NC Brands:
Plans revealed for world’s first 360-degree pool:
Pool builders, service techs now require license in New Jersey:
New legislation marks the end of Ontario’s Poolsaver program:
Nicole Gray introduced as 2019 national PHTCC president:
Breathing easy: Study targets improving air quality at indoor aquatic facilities:
Modest pool permit increase a result of weather and softening economy:
Strategies for chloramine removal: Best practices for maintaining proper air and water quality at indoor pools:
Using cast concrete to create unique residential outdoor retreats:
Selling the idea of less work and more fun: