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Nominations open for Dr. Neil Lowry Memorial Grant

Nominations open for Dr. Neil Lowry Memorial Grant
Nominations for the 2014 Dr. Neil Lowry Memorial Grant are being accepted by the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals (APSP) until June 6. Last year’s recipient was Cynthia Leckey, environmental supervisor II, with the Florida Department of Health (Brevard County).


The Association of Pool & Spa Professionals (APSP) in Alexandria, Va., will be accepting nominations until June 6 for the 2014 Dr. Neil Lowry Memorial Grant.

The $5,000 grant recognizes the contributions of public health officials and departments to the healthy and safe use of recreational water and supports continuing education, technical, and operational activities of public health officials and departments to advance safer and healthier use of swimming pools, spas/hot tubs, natural waters, and waterparks.

The award is given in memory of Dr. Neil Lowry who was a long-time member of the APSP and a highly regarded columnist in Pool & Spa Marketing. He influenced the pool and spa industry for more than 25 years as a consultant to government and private industry, including contributing to Ontario’s regulations for public spas as well as designed the Canadian model labels for pool products that are regulated under the Pest Control Products Act.

Candidates for the memorial grant are nominated (third party or self) and come from the provincial/state or local public health sector. Nominated individuals or organizations must be citizens and/or headquartered in Canada or the United States. A plan for a significant activity, in the two-year period starting on July 10, 2014, must be submitted that will have a positive impact on health and safety in the use of recreational water, benefitting the public.

The recipient will be selected by a sub-committee of the APSP Recreational Water Committee based on the information presented on the application form. The award will be presented during the National Environmental Health Association’s (NEHA’s) annual education conference, which is being held July 7-10 in Las Vegas, Nev.

More information as well as nomination forms are available on the APSP’s website

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