Industry stewardship
NSF is dedicated to serving as a steward to the industry. Pool, spa, and waterpark-related certification is NSF’s second-oldest service area. Safety and integrity are hallmarks of the NSF’s role as it reinvests to further develop services and support to the industries being served.
By looking beyond the limited perception of pools and spas as a luxury, their unique health and fitness benefits can be acknowledged. Swimming is a critical life (and sometimes lifesaving) skill that builds strength and confidence. Water’s therapeutic and exercise value to disabled individuals and sports enthusiasts, to name but two distinct groups, is well-documented.
It is against this backdrop that NSF designs standards to ensure the safe use and enjoyment of pools and spas. True water safety incorporates everything from flow meters and deck surfaces to proper filtration and water chemistry maintenance. NSF sees its role as an advocate for raising health and safety standards, rejecting lowest common-denominator thinking.
NSF’s testing and official listings often provide important technical details of what products are able to do. This accurately communicates vital information to users, manufacturers, code officials, and facility operators to help them increase swimmer safety and enjoyment. Certification can often be tiered to further encourage manufacturers to begin and continue their journey to improved performance.
NSF/ANSI Standard 50, along with the certification process, creates greater differentiation in the market and draws attention to innovative companies with higher performing products. It also helps buyers find the features and capabilities sought by more demanding users.
Products that meet the highest standards of health and safety deserve a platform to demonstrate their superior performance. NSF certification showcases the early adopters and leaders in the pool and spa industry.
Richard A. Martin B.Sc., AFO, CPO is the business development manager of the recreational water program at NSF International’s world headquarters in Ann Arbor, Mich. Martin joined NSF in 1994 and has worked in various segments of the organization’s water programs, including the ‘Plastic Plumbing,’ ‘Mechanical Plumbing,’ and ‘Municipal Drinking Water Systems’ programs. He can be reached via e-mail at For more information on NSF International’s pool and spa certification programs, visit