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Ontario landscaping firm is set to grow

The right people

As in most small businesses, proper hiring and employee training are constant challenges for Shaver and Aiello. The pair pride themselves on their staff retention rate, which they say has paid off with well-trained employees who share their professional beliefs. Today, Darsan boasts a staff of roughly 20 employees year-round, including an in-house pool specialist and several experienced technicians.

Darsan Landscape Architects
Attention to detail is one of the keys to Darsan’s success, no matter how complex a given project may be.

While Shaver admits he has a hard time stepping back on the construction site, Aiello says his partner’s hands-on approach serves as great training for younger staff, who learn by Shaver’s example.

That example includes a dedication to professionalism and transparency, two qualities the partners say they believe in strongly. Small gestures and attention to detail also go a long way, according to Shaver.

“At the end of the day, when the client comes home, they like to see things tidy,” he says. “We also strive on letting the customer see as much progress as possible. You don’t want them climbing over a mountain of rocks just to go see what you’ve done. It’s very important the customer sees that progression because if there’s something they’re not happy with, it can be easily changed as you go.”

The partners are pleased to see their employees following their lead and taking more ownership of their work, Aiello says.

“It started off with just Darryl and I doing every job, but now our employees are actually doing the jobs, learning how to read the drawings and offering their input. They’re growing and maturing. They also understand the cost of doing business now. We want them to know this is their company, too. They are creating it.”

Ready for the future

In May 2009, Aiello and Shaver began constructing a new office in Concord, about 10 minutes north of their previous location. In November, they moved in, even though the accommodations were still a little rough around the edges.

“It was just a shell at first,” Aiello says, noting the pair has done much to renovate the space since moving in. Clients enter through a large, inviting lobby space, while Aiello and Shaver work out of nearby side-by-side offices. Building a new facility during peak season was a challenge the partners shared, each playing to their individual strengths.

“I was managing the guys on the landscaping jobs and Sandro was building the office as best as he could,” Shaver says. “That’s what saved us—the fact that I was able to handle the landscaping side, while he was able to handle the administrative side.”

Darsan has also branched out into commercial work—including high-profile clients such as Holt Renfrew—largely on the success of their residential projects.

“We had a few residential clients approach us to do some commercial projects for them,” Aiello says. “We noticed the commercial market is starting to mimic a residential look. People want to see stonework and plant material.”

As the company continues to expand, Aiello and Shaver are beginning to funnel more resources into advertising and marketing.

“We were afraid our quality would drop,” Aiello adds of the hesitancy to aggressively market Darsan. “As you advertise, you would create more work. By creating more work, you have to create more crews. To create more crews, you need more people who can oversee them.”

“We have never advertised, only because our word of mouth has been so positive,” Shaver adds. “However, that gives us a limited amount of clientele. We were progressing and then unfortunately, this year, the recession kept us at a level plateau. I think if we had been motivated a few years ago to start advertising, it may have helped us a bit. Now, we’re definitely ready to grow.”

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