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Patio design and installation tips

The final touches

Once everything is in place, final compaction and joint filling between materials is required. Natural stone and concrete slabs should not be compacted; however, pavers should be. Using a protective pad on the tamper will help safeguard the pavers from scuffing and scratching. There are many options available for this type of protective pad; conducting a little research will help in selecting the appropriate pad for the project.

Filling joints between pavers helps to improve the interlock and essentially the durability and stability of the units being used.

Filling joints between pavers or natural stone slabs is an integral component to any project. Filled joints help to improve the interlock and essentially the durability and stability of the units being used. Using polymeric sand can help prevent the growth of weeds and call backs due to washout. When using polymeric sand, it is important to follow the recommended installation procedures, as this will save both time and money.

Cement and masonry-related products are not recommended as joint fillers on pavers; however, these products can add a professional aspect to a natural stone installation.

Finally, maintaining an open line of communication with customers, employees and everyone on site is important to the success of any project. It may be frustrating to alter the design during construction, however, it is much easier than after the work is completed.






Giovanetti_HeadshotShawn Giovanetti is the Toronto depot manager for Techo-Bloc Inc., a manufacturer of landscape and masonry products based in St-Hubert, Que. He can be reached via e-mail at

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