Perth Golf Club hosts PHTCC eastern Ontario chapter’s annual tournament

by jason_cramp | September 22, 2016 9:25 am

The winners of the 2016 Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada (PHTCC) eastern Ontario chapter golf tournament was the foursome representing Zodiac Pool Systems Canada Inc. Left to right: Brian Barr, David Simek (MC and PHTCC eastern Ontario chapter president), Nicole Robinson, Jayme Sweeney (PHTCC eastern Ontario chapter vice-president), and Bryan Paul.

After a brief hiatus, the Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada’s (PHTCC’s) eastern Ontario chapter returned to the links for its annual golf tournament held at the 126-year-old Perth Golf Course in Perth, Ont.

Approximately 20 foursomes (79 golfers) participated in the tournament this September under clear skies and sunny, warm conditions. Prior to golfing, participants enjoyed a barbecue lunch before teeing off. The first hole was dedicated in Frank Mahon’s memory. Mahon, founder of Mahon Pools in Perth, passed in 2015.

John Bal from Northeastern Swimming Pool Distributors Inc., (PHTCC eastern Ontario chapter treasurer) shows off the loot bags provided to all participants.

After golf, participants gathered for dinner—a choice between steak, chicken, or salmon—before the winning teams were announced and the prizes were handed out. After dinner, evening MC David Simek (Lawrason’s Inc.), the PHTCC’s eastern Ontario chapter president, spoke about Mahon and his impact on the pool industry and everyone who knew him.

“We are extremely happy with the turnout at this year’s golf tournament,” said Simek. “Everyone enjoyed the day and honoured the memory of Frank Mahon. The chapter appreciates everyone who came out, the sponsors, and the Mahon family. We look forward to next year.”

The winning team was Zodiac Pool Systems Canada which comprised Brian Barr, Nicole Robinson, Jayme Sweeney (PHTCC eastern Ontario chapter vice-president), and Bryan Paul. Other winners included Laura Butterworth of Pool Builders (women’s longest drive), Karen Kett of SCP (women’s closest-to-the-pin), Peter Clark of Hayward Pool Products Canada (men’s longest drive), and Jason Stronach of Rheem Canada Ltd. (men’s closest-to-the-pin). Steve Van Volkenburgh of Ottawa Poolworks was the golf pong winner. He received an overnight stay at the Hilton Inn & Suites in Niagara Falls, Ont.

All those who attended the event also received a gift bag with prizes donated by various companies.

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