by MODE, ignore | January 9, 2014 6:12 pm
Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada (PHTCC) members concluded the 2013 fiscal year at its annual general meeting (AGM), which was held during the Canadian Pool & Spa Conference & Expo in Niagara Falls, Ont.
Council members who attended the Dec. 3 meeting approved the 2012-13 financial report as well as the proposed budget for 2013-14, which was introduced by Robert Wood, the PHTCC’s executive director.
Wood’s year-end report also highlighted the progress the PHTCC made in 2013 with respect to membership growth, finances, industry/member promotion, and advocacy/lobbying efforts. He also outlined the new strategic plan for the organization, which was subsequently ratified at the meeting. In addition, members present approved new bylaws for the PHTCC, ensuring the Council is in compliance with the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act.
Those in attendance also welcomed the incoming 2014 board of directors, including: David Simek (president), Dave Warren (vice-president), Rodney Taylor (treasurer and Alberta chapter), Brent Winnitoy (past president), Steve Galbraith (B.C. Island), David Morrall (B.C. Vancouver), Jason Lawrence (Prairies), Josh Randall (western Ontario), Emmett DeAngelis (central Ontario), Elke Schmidt (Niagara), Peter Brown (Toronto), Randy McMullan (eastern Ontario), Mark Fournier (Quebec), and Kara Redden (Atlantic).
Plaques were also presented to outgoing board members Rob Pagliaro and Marilyn Staneff.
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