PHTCC introduces its 2015 board of directors

by MODE, ignore | December 29, 2014 7:15 pm

PHTCC introduces its 2015 board of directors[1]
The Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada (PHTCC) introduces the 2014-15 board of directors. Front row (left to right): Rodney Taylor, Mark Founier, Dave Warren, David Simek, Markus Brunner, and Kara Redden. Back row (left to right): Peter Brown, Steve Galbraith, Josh Randall, Jason Lawrence, Emmett DeAngelis, Randy McMullan, and Roland Goodfellow.

Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada (PHTCC) members concluded the 2014 fiscal year at its annual general meeting (AGM), which was held prior to the Canadian Pool & Spa Conference & Expo in Toronto.

Council members who attended the Dec. 2 meeting approved the 2013-14 financial report as well as the proposed budget for 2014-15, which was introduced by Robert Wood, the PHTCC’s executive director and presented by the council’s 2014 treasurer, Rodney Taylor.

Wood’s year-end report also highlighted the PHTCC’s 2014 achievements with respect to finances, the development of new programs, industry/member promotion, and advocacy/lobbying efforts. He also touched on two major initiatives, which were announced in full detail during the Design & Construction Awards Gala evening on Dec. 3. The first was the PHTCC’s new Industry Trade Certification Program, which will give members the ability to become certified as ‘Specialists’ and ‘Experts’ after successfully completing a range of educational offerings. The second was a partnership agreement with the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals (APSP) that will see the two organizations work together on many fronts.

Those in attendance also welcomed the incoming 2015 board of directors: Rodney Taylor, Mark Founier, Dave Warren, David Simek, Markus Brunner, Kara Redden, Peter Brown, Steve Galbraith, Josh Randall, Jason Lawrence, Emmett DeAngelis, Randy McMullan, and Roland Goodfellow. Absent: Ken Reid.

Plaques were also presented to outgoing board members Brent Winnitoy, Elke Schmidt, Rodney Taylor (2011-14 Treasurer), and David Simek (2014 president).

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