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PHTCC’s southwestern chapter holds successful golf day

PHTCC's southwestern chapter holds successful golf day
The southwestern chapter of the Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada’s (PHTCC’s) annual golf tournament was a success as 77 golfers participated in the annual event.

The weather was hot and humid for the southwestern chapter of the Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada’s (PHTCC’s) annual golf tournament this past July; however, members were not complaining as the event was a resounding success.

Held at the Pine Knot Golf & Country Club in Dorchester, Ont., participants received a free lunch—donated by London Hydro—prior to the tournament’s tee off. After lunch, 77 golfers hit the links vying for the various prizes, which were donated by Josh’s Gas Service. This year’s winning team was the SCP Distributors’ foursome, which finished 13 under par.

A putting contest and live auction were also held by Skyview Pool and Spa’s owner, Earl Siegrist, which helped the chapter raise $2,270 over the course of the day. All proceeds were donated to the George Bray Sports Association, which gives special needs kids a chance to play hockey by helping to develop their confidence and sense of participation in a team sport.

According to the chapter’s treasurer Bill Deys (Deys Fabricating Ltd.), the efforts of chapter president Josh Randall (Josh’s Gas Service) played a huge role in the success of the tournament.

“We’d like to thank all golfers and the 17 hole sponsors for coming out and supporting this event as this tournament provides our chapter with the funds necessary to operate for the entire year,” added Deys. “We have started planning next year’s golf tournament and hope to have another successful event next July.”

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