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PHTCC Toronto chapter discusses 2015 initiatives

PHTCC Toronto chapter discusses 2015 initiatives
The 2015 Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada (PHTCC) Toronto chapter board of directors—Front row (left to right): Peter Brown (past-president); Nicole Vander Geest (director); and Nicole Robinson (director). Back row (left to right): Dave Warren (president); Darren Hill (vice-president); David Simek (treasurer); and Michael Di Nardo (director). Absent: Jason Mitchell (director).

The Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada’s (PHTCC’s) Toronto Chapter ratified its 2015 board of directors and announced some new plans at its annual general meeting (AGM) this month.

Held at the Monte Carlo Inn in Markham, Ont., on Nov. 24, attending members unanimously approved the appointment of its new executive board, which comprises Dave Warren (Total Tech Pools & Leisure), president; Darren Hill (Pentair Aquatic Systems), vice-president; Peter Brown (BonaVista Pools), past-president; and David Simek (Lawrason’s Inc.), treasurer. The directors include: Jason Mitchell (Pool Craft); Nicole Robinson (Zodiac Pool Systems Canada Inc.); Michael Di Nardo (Oracle RMS) and the newly elected Nicole Vander Geest (Northeastern Swimming Pool Distributors).

Outgoing 2014 director, Tony Broughton (Northeastern Swimming Pool Distributors), and 2013 director, Steven Taylor (TayFam/Pool Care) were recognized by the chapter for their service.

Mette Yellowlees, Toronto chapter manager, said the chapter had a great year with money heavily invested in training (programs were held in Markham and Mississauga), and industry promotion via a billboard campaign, which ran between May and September (through three long weekends).

According to Simek, the billboard, located on Highway 400, 1.5 km (1 mile) north on the way to cottage country, receives 5.5 million views. The campaign’s message, “Traffic vs. Tranquility” and its accompanying website (, designed to promote the backyard oasis, linked visitors to the PHTCC’s national membership search. The analytics showed 75 per cent of the visitors clicked through to the member search page.

The Toronto chapter is investing $20,000 into marketing and promotion in 2015. This includes continuing the billboard campaign next spring/summer as well as looking into other outdoor mediums in more than one location throughout Toronto. Education will also be a focal point next year. Along with basic training programs, advanced courses are also being considered in addition to the new certification program, which will be revealed by the national association during the Industry Awards Banquet at the Canadian Pool & Spa Expo on Dec. 3.

During the meeting, the board of directors also debated venues for the annual golf tournament, the chapter’s main social event, as well as the second ‘Family Winter Snow’ day. A charity walk/run in the fall will also be added to the list of events next year.

The Toronto chapter encourages more participation from its members, and welcomes feedback and suggestions on new and current initiatives.

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