Plaster possibilities
With so many pool and spa finish options offered by present-day specialists, it is understandable why most clients want to explore and comprehend the specific benefits and drawbacks inherent in the various pool and spa surface products. Unfortunately, the choices can be confusing and the information available even contradictory. Therefore, to help guide a client through the process of selecting the best finish suited to their needs, keep the following information in mind as when discussing their possibilities.
The classic white
The original standard white plaster is the tried and true pool/spa surface finish, which has remained popular despite a myriad of options made available in recent years. Its simple combination of white cement, white marble aggregate, and water makes it an economical choice.
When a white marbelite pool is filled with water, it gives the pool a brilliant, pure light-blue appearance. Due to its relatively soft nature, it is especially vulnerable to poorly maintained and/or fluctuating water chemistry conditions. During the life of the finish, it is also quite common for it to change in appearance. These changes can be subtle, perhaps slight shading or scaling, or far more dramatic in the form of pronounced staining, etching, or cracking. Delaminating can even occur in some extreme cases.
Though white plaster is susceptible to all water conditions, when installed correctly and the water is properly maintained, it is a reliable product that is smooth to the touch. It is also one of the more affordable finishes.
Coloured pool surfacing
A tinted marbelite upgrade is a great option for clients who want their pool to have a unique finish. There is a wide range of colour options available with more than 1000 designer shades and tones, making the possibilities almost infinite. Perhaps a client requires a light colour hue modification or a medium grey/green blend similar to a pond-like water feature. For some consumers, deep blue/black tones are preferred to create a mysterious effect for contemporary pool designs.
The addition of colour does not give the plaster any extra strength; it is purely cosmetic. However, quartz or pebble additives can also be added to the coloured marbelite mix to achieve a more durable and layered look.
By its nature, coloured plaster will accentuate any cosmetic variance characteristics. Mottling, for example, can be more pronounced in coloured plaster than in white. Coloured plaster may also exhibit pigment stains, streaks, unevenness of colour and/or more noticeable check and/or crazing cracking (i.e. a network of fine cracks, usually in a hexagonal pattern).
Variations of shade will also exist between colour sample chips and mixed plaster. Over time, the colour may fade completely or it may grow gradually lighter. The client should understand over the life of the pool finish it will likely differ from the precise shade that was anticipated and that these conditions are in no way considered a product deficiency.