The Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada (PHTCC) recently submitted comments on two industry documents—Chapter 68 of the Canadian Electrical Code Handbook (CE code) and a draft of the proposed International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (ISPSC)—that once finalized have the potential to change the way companies in the pool and spa industry manufacture, install and service their products.
The CE code is a standard published by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) pertaining to the installation and maintenance of electrical equipment in Canada. The PHTCC’s comments and requests for clarification, part of the systematic review of the CE code handbook, addressed the following sections:
• Rule 68-404 Controls and other electrical equipment;
• Rule 68-406 Leakage current collectors;
• Rule 68-068 Ground fault circuit interrupters;
• Rule 68-058 Bonding to ground;
• Rule 68-066 Luminaires and lighting equipment; and
• Inspections.
On behalf of the Canadian pool and spa industry, the PHTCC also submitted two recommendations for consideration to the International Code Council (ICC) for specific amendments to the ISPSC draft in effort to remove any ambiguity and possibility for misinterpretation. The two sections on which the PHTCC made recommendations were:
• 810.1 Entry and exit; and
• 815.6 Pressure test.
Developed with the support of the Association of Pool and Spa Professionals (APSP), the ISPSC will encompass the design, installation and inspection of aquatic facilities, including barriers for all residential pools and spas, water quality and suction entrapment avoidance. Code development hearings will be held in May, August and October before the final version of the ISPSC is issued in early 2012.
For more information on the PHTCC’s comments, visit
http://www.poolcouncil.ca/news/news_item_80.pdf and