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Pool & Spa Marketing’s annual salary survey: The results are in

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Of those respondents to Pool & Spa Marketing’s fifth annual salary survey, more than 80 per cent said they were just as satisfied or more satisfied with their present employment compared to five years ago.

Based on a record response to Pool & Spa Marketing’s fifth annual salary survey, it appears as though the swimming pool and spa/hot tub industry is maturing as a majority of the responses came from those aged 40 and up who were either company owners and/or in managerial positions.

When it came to income, although the number of respondents with salaries between $30,000 and $49,999 increased last year, this salary bracket stalled in 2013, while those earning base salaries ($20,000 to $29,000) increased by five percent. Further, respondents with incomes between $50,000 and $59,999 also increased, while those earning $60,000 plus continued to drop, similar to what last year’s survey showed.

The survey also revealed those in the industry worked less hours for their money. The majority of respondents are working between 35 to 50 hours per week, whereas last year they were working between 41 and 60 hours per week. That said, job satisfaction was up and the majority of respondents are more satisfied with their career than in the past.

The survey ran online from Nov. 19 to Dec. 23, 2013, and covered other job- and business-related questions such as employee experience and education as well as company size and revenues.

For complete salary survey results, watch for the April issue of Pool & Spa Marketing.

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