PoolWerx to open second location

by MODE, ignore | March 13, 2014 3:58 pm

PoolWerx to open second location[1]
PoolWerx is set to open its second location in Pickering, Ont., on March 30.

PoolWerx® is opening its second location in Pickering, Ont., to provide greater convenience and access for their eastern Greater Toronto Area customers.

In concert with celebrating its 10th season in the pool industry and fresh on the heels of announcing the company’s strategic alliance with AquaFab to service the Quebec marketplace (PSM Online Dec. 12, 2013[2]), the new 580 m2 (6250 sf) facility, located at 955 Alliance Rd., is set to open on March 30.

In an effort to service customers, vendors and sales representatives the additional location is a natural evolution for PoolWerx, a manufacturer of steel wall swimming pool kits and vinyl liners, as well as a full line stocking distributor, to grow and service the Canadian swimming pool industry.

  1. [Image]: http://poolspamarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/PoolWerx-to-open-second-location.jpg
  2. PSM Online Dec. 12, 2013: http://www.poolspamarketing.com/newsletters/2013-newsletter-archives/140-december-12-2013/661-poolwerx-and-aquafab-forge-alliance

Source URL: https://www.poolspamarketing.com/trade/poolwerx-to-open-second-location/