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Preventing saltwater scale

Use treatment products designed for saltwater pools

Anti-scale products designed for traditional pools commonly contain ingredients such as sulfates (dry acid) and phosphates, two substances that contribute to difficult-to-remove scale. For instance, as phosphonate-based anti-scale products pass through the harsh environment within the ECG—with its extreme pH ranges, high temperatures and increased chlorine levels—they break down or denature into elements like orthophosphates, which actually contribute to scale formation. Treatment products specifically designed for saltwater pools should maintain their integrity and effectively do the jobs for which they were designed.

Proper pool maintenance

Using high-quality salt and saltwater-specific treatment products are the two most important ways to minimize scale. However, proper pool maintenance can also help extend the life of the ECG.

Proper pool maintenance can also help extend the life of the electrolytic chlorine generator (ECG). Regular testing to ensure proper water balance is recommended; pH and chlorine levels should be tested weekly, while total alkalinity (TA) and calcium hardness should be tested monthly.

Regular testing to ensure proper water balance is recommended. For residential pools, pH and chlorine levels should be tested weekly, and total alkalinity and calcium hardness should be tested monthly. High levels of pH and calcium can lead to scale formation, so keep these in check.

Finally, periodic inspection and hosing off of cell plates will help prevent the level of scale buildup that requires excessive washing with muriatic acid. Follow ECG manufacturer instructions for recommended cell maintenance.

A manageable challenge

While scale is an inevitable challenge with saltwater pools, proper maintenance and using the right products (including salt) can certainly help. Minimizing scale will pay off in the long run, with properly sanitized water, longer-lasting equipment and happier customers.


Harper_HeadshotBob Harper is general manager of pool products at North American Salt Company, a subsidiary of Compass Minerals. He has more than 20 years of experience in the pool and spa industry and is an expert in saltwater pool systems. He can be reached via e-mail at

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