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Providing online service and expertise is good for business

6. Interact with customers outside store walls

Blogs also allow readers to leave comments on content made available on the Internet. This is a great way for businesses to communicate with customers visiting their websites and blogs. A post answering a customer’s question could generate further conversation after other readers provide comments on the same issue. Each time a reader leaves a comment, content is added to the website.

Companies should interact with customers via their blog as much as possible and respond quickly and thoroughly to customer inquiries to help create a strong relationship with the consumer.

● Download and install free blogging platform software (e.g. WordPress or Movable Type, etc.). This software allows bloggers to categorize and tag every post. Each category and tag becomes a separate web page, which can be indexed by search engines, making the company’s website larger.
● Keep the content interesting. For example, when compiling a ‘how-to’ post, it should not be boring, put personal flair into each blog post to keep readers coming back for more.
● Publish original photos of new products mentioned within posts.
● Pictures and/or video should be included in a post to recap an event. The post can then be referenced when the event is held in the future.
● Pictures and/or video of employees and business locations should also be included in posts. Customers love pictures and enjoy seeing things not available in stores. For example, if a company has a birthday party for an employee, photos from the event can be turned into a blog post.
● Readers can be enticed to leave comments at the end of blog posts by simply including a call to action, e.g., ‘Let us know what you think and leave a comment.’
● Customers can be encouraged to read blogs by posting alerts for special offers available to readers.
● Professionals specializing in search engine optimization (SEO) can be hired to design company blogs.
● Customer complaints should be addressed immediately. Customers can be contacted online and over the phone to make sure the situation is addressed quickly and professionally.

Blogging software such as WordPress (pictured) can be downloaded and installed for free. This software allows bloggers to categorize and tag every post, with each becoming a separate web page that is indexed by search engines.

7. Offer special discounts to readers

Instead of putting an ad in the local newspaper or sending promotional postcards to customers, special discounts can be posted on blogs. Readers will not only benefit from the written content, it will also bring them into a store by offering specials, which are not available to every customer.

8. Save money on marketing

Newspaper, radio, TV, and direct marketing promotional campaigns can be expensive; however, having a website/blog that drives traffic is affordable and provides long-lasting marketing for businesses and brands.

9. Provide better customer service

The truth is, when a website is used to interact with customers it also becomes a place where users can leave complaints. Perhaps a customer had a bad experience in a store, or was not satisfied with the service. Customer complaints are more likely to be made online than in person. The main reason for this is customers have anonymity online; therefore, it is easier to say mean things and complain when it is not done in person.

If this happens, it is a good chance to provide top-notch customer service and acknowledge something was done to resolve the issue. This will let others know the business is dedicated to taking care of its customers.

The negative occurrence of receiving complaints can actually be positive for businesses and brands if they are handled appropriately.

10. Make money

Blogging is not a fast means to increasing revenue as they take consistent effort to build and maintain. If a business starts blogging in the hopes that customers will start banging down the doors, unfortunately this will not be the case. However, blogging will pay off in the long run. The goal is to build an audience of loyal customers by constantly providing added value to the products and services already being offered.

Blogging also helps to increase website traffic from popular search engines and other websites, which might link to the content. This traffic will most likely be from new customers who can potentially become lifelong customers.

Businesses that provide value, customer service, and unrivaled expertise via its blog are better positioned to surpass the competition.

How to build a blog

There are several blogging platforms available online for free download. All that is needed is a web server (for hosting) and a domain name (e.g. Then, install the software and start blogging.






Giovanisci_HeadshotMatt Giovanisci is the creator of and more than 15 years of experience in the swimming pool and hot tub industry. He is an award-winning web designer and has been featured on Martha Stewart Radio as a pool and spa care expert. Giovanisci can be reached via e-mail at

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