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Retractable enclosure provides yearlong enjoyment

Considerations and constraints

As enclosures are defined as ‘buildings,’ the design process must also take into consideration all applicable building codes to ensure structural integrity. In addition, the design process will consider any applicable local regulations such as zoning by-laws.

Building codes

Snow, wind and rain load requirements are a critical consideration when designing an enclosure. These requirements ensure a building is structurally capable of withstanding typical snow and rain loads for the applicable geographic area. For example, multi-peak roof designs are specifically designed to accommodate areas with higher snow loads.

Foundations are also required to evenly transfer and distribute the load of a building to the ground. A foundation will help ensure any shifting or settling of the ground will not compromise the structural integrity of the building. Usually, installation of the foundation can be facilitated on projects where the swimming pool or patio is not installed before the enclosure is designed.

In some cases, the proximity of a septic tank, for example, may only necessitate the installation of a shallow slab foundation rather than a deeper foundation, which is usually installed below the frost line.

Building codes also include restrictions regarding the height and proximity of adjacent buildings. When installed next to a two-storey home, height is rarely an issue; however, an enclosure should be designed and situated so its frame does not directly cross over any existing windows.

Local regulations

Enclosure design is also affected by zoning bylaws as they dictate specific lot coverage requirements whereby buildings on a property cannot exceed a given percentage of the total lot size.

Zoning bylaws also typically include minimum distance requirements with regard to the location of the enclosure relative to the pool and the property line. Should the design of an enclosure contravene any of the above bylaws, it is possible to submit a variance or exception request with the local municipality.

Final steps

Once the design process is complete, drawings of the enclosure will be prepared and submitted for approvals. The drawings are first submitted to a structural engineer or architect for approval and then submitted to the local municipality for a building permit.

These two steps will ensure the design of the enclosure adheres to all applicable building codes and local regulations. Once the building permit has been approved, the preparation of the site can begin, followed by the installation of the enclosure.


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Richard Scheps is president of Covers in Play in Richmond Hill, Ont. He has over 20 years experience in engineering and manufacturing with a specialized knowledge of product development and design. Scheps and his team of engineers have applied their experience and expertise to design innovative retractable enclosures with patent-pending features that are unique in the industry. He is also the president of Palladium Product Development and Design and the Ontario chapter of the Product Development and Manufacturing Association (PDMA). He can be reached via e-mail at

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