Seresco Technologies, an indoor air quality equipment manufacturer in Ottawa, Ont., has started a dehumidifier training and certification school targeting facility maintenance personnel overseeing indoor pool dehumidifiers and heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC/R) contractors servicing them.
The two-tiered training program comprises a free online course (level one) and a two-day course (level two) for technicians who hold Environmental Protection Act (EPA) or Ozone Depletion Prevention (ODP) certification.
Level one is designed as a primer for facility managers and maintenance personnel, and requires 10 to 20 hours of basic dehumidifier and natatorium principles and operation followed by an optional online test and official certification. It is also a prerequisite for HVAC/R service technicians planning to take level two.
Level two is a $500 course that is conducted at the company’s headquarters and consists of classroom instruction and hands-on dehumidifier training from the production floor. The training is taught by Jerry Choate, a Seresco factory service technician and a 37-year refrigeration industry veteran, and Sergiy Kovalov, Seresco’s quality assurance manager, who holds a mechanical engineering degree from the University of Toronto.
Those technicians who complete level two receive a certificate, a preferred technician listing on the company’s website and dehumidifier service customer referral requests in their geographical territory.
“Our goal is to have certified technicians across North America we can refer service to and help expand their businesses,” says Seresco Technologies president, David Lucas.
For more information, visit service.serescodehumidifiers.com.