Sell what the company uses
In addition to the time-saving benefits a robotic pool cleaner and/or hand-held vacuum provides, many pool service companies have sold a number of these units in their stores simply because the pool owner witnessed them being used by the service technician. For instance, those pool owners who need or want to perform spot cleaning between weekly maintenance visits can do so via hand-held, battery-powered vacuums.
Selling robotic cleaners to customers has become more commonplace as well. Lenz says once the customer sees the technician using one and they realize how easy a robotic cleaner is to use, they become appealing to homeowner’s who want to keep their pool as clean as possible between service visits.
According to Koch, more than 50 per cent of his customers who have seen him use an automatic cleaner have purchased a unit from his store.
“I’m happy to sell them the cleaner because I still maintain my relationship with the client for other business,” he adds. “To keep them from going to the Internet to buy the cleaner, we will service any cleaner the company sells; however, we will not service one purchased elsewhere. A happy customer is a loyal, returning customer.”
Specialty chemicals can offer additional revenue
A&M Corsons in Chandler, Ariz., offers its customers a premium pool maintenance program called ‘Never Green Guarantee.’ The company’s target market tends to be those who have had their pool serviced by someone that is not trained in water chemistry, and, therefore, the service is not guaranteed.
“Our service fees start at $85 and can go up to $200 per month for larger, more complex pools,” says the company’s Cerah Gray. “We quote each pool individually based on size, landscaping, equipment, water features, etc.

“When we provide a quote, we include the ‘Never Green Guarantee’ option for an extra $5 to $10 per month (approximately eight to 10 per cent more in most cases), which guarantees the client their pool will not turn green. However, should this happen, we will clean up the pool at no extra charge to the customer by simply using a phosphate remover/enzyme product.”
Those pool owners who have experienced their pool water turning green in the past know it will likely cost $50 to $80 in chemicals alone just to clean up the water.
“We are able to absorb this cost with our customers because we are backed up by the manufacturer of the products we use,” says Gray. “We would not be able to make this guarantee otherwise.”
Underwater Pool Masters, in West Boylston, Ma., has also found success in offering a high-profit service in addition to regular maintenance programs.
“We offer a ‘baby-sitting’ service that has been very successful,” says the company’s Steve White. “This is a service we offer to customers who are going on vacation and do not want to return to a green pool.
White charges a premium for this service and asks the client for ‘free reign’ in terms of treating the pool water as needed while they away to ensure clean, clear water upon their return.
“To do this, we always use a 90-day algaecide to guarantee against algae growth,” he explains. “For example, one week in July we had more than 254 mm (10 in.) of rain in just a few days. This meant we had to drain approximately 10 per cent of the water from most of the swimming pools we service. Rain tends to add phosphates to the pool water, which leads to algae growth—so the use of algaecides and phosphate removers is very important.”
According to White, the profit margins for the ‘baby-sitting’ service his company offers are excellent and the program continues to grow among the company’s customer base, year after year.
Uncovering profit potential
Whether a service company is upgrading pool equipment or simply maintaining water quality, taking the time to look around the backyard for additional sales opportunities—before things breakdown—can pay off.
Stephanie Smith is a sales manager at Water Tech, a manufacturer of robotic- and battery-operated swimming pool cleaners in E. Brunswick, NJ. She is responsible for sales in Canada and the mid-west United States. She can be reached via e-mail at