More than 35 swimming pool builders took part in Spider Tie Canada Inc.’s third hands-on training event last month, which introduced participants to the pool building system by taking part in forming, pouring, stripping and parging nearly 12.2 m (40 ft) of free-standing concrete walls in various configurations.
The event, which was held at Dufferin Concrete in Toronto on July 5, was used to show the forming system’s versatility and ease of use when constructing straight, curved and cornered sections of 1.2-m (4-ft) high, reinforced structural concrete walls. The day concluded with a question and answer period in which several experts on the forming system and waterproofing products were on hand to answer both technical and application questions.
The forming system was developed as a way to simplify reinforced concrete pool wall construction. By using internal form supports (IFS), the forming system allows traditional steel or polymer pool builders to construct concrete pools easily, without any major equipment investments.
For more information on future Canadian demonstration events and training sessions, visit www.spidertie.com.