Survey shows job satisfaction is up

by jason_cramp | March 12, 2015 10:03 am

According to Pool & Spa Marketing’s 2014 online salary survey, 90 per cent of the respondents are employed full-time and are more satisfied with their career than in years past.

Pool & Spa Marketing’s sixth annual salary survey continues to show a maturing of the pool and spa/hot tub industry as a majority (28 per cent) of this year’s responses came from those who have been working in the trade for more than 30 years.

In fact, this category doubled in size as it was up 14 per cent over 2013. Further, those responding to the survey were aged 40 and up with the largest category being the 40- to 49-year-old group (37 per cent), which is up by five per cent over 2013. Similar to the previous survey, most of the respondents were either company owners or held sales/service manager positions.

When it came to income, the number of respondents with salaries between $30,000 and $49,999 decreased in 2014 after increasing the previous year, while those earning base salaries between $20,000 and $29,000 decreased by one per cent year-over-year. Finally, respondents with incomes between $50,000 and $59,999 decreased by 13 per cent; however, after dropping in recent years, those earning $60,000 plus increased by 19 per cent.

Also similar to the 2013 survey, the majority of respondents in 2014 said they are working between 35 to 50 hours per week, with more than 90 per cent holding full-time positions. That said, job satisfaction was up 13 per cent in 2014 and the majority of respondents are more satisfied with their career than in years past.

The survey ran online between November and December 2014, and covered other job- and business-related questions such as employee experience and education as well as company size and revenues. For complete salary survey results, watch for the April issue of Pool & Spa Marketing.

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