How can industry members help?

Having an understanding of how to operate the equipment associated with pools and spas is a crucial skill for operators. Service technicians and installers can provide the necessary education and training so operators can confidently and competently operate their equipment and test emergency features such as vacuum-relief mechanisms, emergency-stop buttons, and other associated equipment.
While the responsibility for the day-to-day operation of a public pool or spa falls to the operator, there are many other players in the process who have a role in ensuring a safe and sanitary facility.
The MLHU training program strives to provide those who are in positions of responsibility with the skill set necessary for them to fulfil their roles and responsibilities in maintaining safe and sanitary recreational water facilities. Service personnel can provide operators with training and support regarding equipment operation to help them remain compliant with public pool and spa regulations. Some of the methods highlighted in Table 1 may prove helpful.
Just as the role of a PHI ranges from inspection and enforcement to training and support, industry members can play a crucial part in training, and supporting facility operators as well. Ultimately, public health units, industry members, and facility owners and operators can act as partners to ensure public pools and spas are operated and maintained appropriately to protect the health and safety of patrons.
The MLHU would like to thank everyone who had a role in the continuous improvement of this training program, including an epidemiologist, two program evaluators, PHIs and student PHIs, a communications/graphics team, co-trainer, project lead, and the manager of the Safe Water, Rabies and Vector Borne Disease (Environmental Health) Program.
Anne-Maria Quin, B.Sc., is a public health inspector on the Safe Water and Rabies and Vector Borne Disease Team at the Middlesex-London Health Unit. Quin is the recreational water program training lead and can be reached via e-mail at
Fatih Sekercioglu is an environmental health manager for the Middlesex-London Health Unit. Sekercioglu can be reached via e-mail at