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Tips and tricks for measuring and installing custom vinyl liners

Installation procedures

To ensure the liner is installed properly, start by clipping the liner into the most complex part of the pool—whether it is the sun ledge, cuddle cove, bench or steps.

There are many ways to ensure the liner is installed properly. First, start by clipping the liner into the most complex part of the pool—whether it is the sun ledge, cuddle cove, bench or steps. If there are challenging areas on opposite sides of the pool, start with these first and work the liner around the perimeter on either side of the special features.

Both Seahorse Pools and Poolside Pools employ this installation method and use sand bags to hold the liner in place, especially around complex steps.

Sand bags can be used to hold the liner in place, especially around complex steps.

“I put down foam on the vinyl and then put weighted sand bags on top of the foam for extra protection,” Keller explains. “I find this especially important when I have a cuddle cove in the deep end that will want to slip out of place while I’m working on a step section or sun ledge in the shallow end.”

Dr. Vinyl’s Lee, who has been installing and repairing vinyl liners in Canada for more than 40 years, says builders should also be aware of where the sun will hit the liner.

“In Canada the sun is always shining from the south, which means the north and northeast corner of every pool gets the most sun exposure and is the first place the liner will deteriorate,” he explains. “To help the liner last longer, and avoid issues with specialty features, we always fit the north side of the pool as loose as possible to minimize stretching where the vinyl will be exposed to the most damaging heat and light from the sun.

“In this case, it’s best to locate the pool’s specialty features, such as vinyl-covered steps, in the south end of the swimming pool.”

Keeping things in place

Most vinyl pool builders utilize rod pockets behind the liner, similar to a drape or curtain, for step sections. This liner feature, which must be requested when ordering the liner from the fabricator, allows a rod to be easily inserted through the pocket, and using a clip to hold the steps or specialty feature in place. This feature can also eliminate the pool liner from floating, especially around steps or sun ledges, in areas with high groundwater tables.

Using the new bead track system offered by some liner fabricators is another option. This system is specifically designed to help make complex vinyl-covered steps, benches and other special features look smooth and wrinkle-free.

Keller is one builder who prefers to use this new system when building a new pool.

“You just ‘snap’ into the specialty feature in the same way the perimeter of the liner snaps into the track—it is easy and looks great.”

Temperatures should also be considered when installing the bead into the track. For instance, installers should be mindful not to stretch the bead in hot temperatures by pushing their hands in the same direction of one another. If the bead is stretched, there may be too much perimeter remaining after snapping the bead around the pool.

In cold weather, however, the opposite should be performed in anticipation there will not be enough perimeter. Therefore, as the bead is being snapped in, the installer should grab and pull the liner in opposite directions to literally try and stretch the bead to create a little extra perimeter.

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