Day three

The topcoat is applied using a consistent side-to-side motion. Thermoplastic installers aim to cover at least 80 per cent of the pool or spa surface with the flock coat application. Passing the gun over the surface is necessary to apply the flock coat. Installers start this process at the bottom of the pool or spa and gradually work their way up the wall with the application. This utilizes the heat from the gun as it radiates up the wall.
- The finish coat is applied in the same manner as the hot flock coat; and
- A smooth continuous motion enables the installer to ‘melt out’ all of the powders and meld them together to achieve a smooth non-porous finish. A different technique is used if surfaces such as steps, ledges, and benches require a non-slip coating. In this case, the thermoplastic material is applied after the first coats have been processed. Non-slip surfaces are achieved when the installer purposely under-heats the material after it attaches to the initial thermoplastic coating, resulting in a smooth, but textured finish.In terms of the ideal weather conditions for application, the air temperature must be at least 5 C (41 F). Below this temperature, the pool finish can still be applied; however, the installer will need to preheat the surface first by passing the propane gun over the pool shell.
Advantages of thermoplastic Installations:
- Clean (no mess or mixing);
- Smooth continuous application;
- No curing time (faster than traditional applications);
- Easily manipulated with no acid etching;
- Application can be stopped and restarted with no visible cold joints;
- Less weather dependency;
- No misting or sun barrier in summer;
- Coating can be repaired without visible seams or joints;
- Does not require feathering;
- No special treatments of fill water; and
- Allows colour continuity between different substrates without mottling.
Most thermoplastic spray finishes come with a 10-year warranty when installed correctly by a trained and certified installer.
The way of the future
Plastics continue to become the way of the future for many different industries and, although thermal-spray technology is relatively new to the pool and spa industry, they now provide an alternative method for builders in the pool and spa construction and renovation markets.
Brian Burton operates a multidisciplinary firm that specializes in website design and development, and technical business writing. The firm also assists companies interested in selling goods and services to governments and institutions. He can be reached via e-mail at