Rainwater harvest

Ponds can also be used to harvest rainwater whereby combining the beauty of a water feature with a revolutionary system for capturing water for reuse. Sustainable rainwater management is a major issue. According to the EPA, rainwater runoff is one of the main reasons 40 per cent of lakes, rivers, and estuaries are not clean enough to fish or swim. Rainwater harvesting is also a great method for reducing flooding in both residential and commercial areas. The unique integration of a pond provides a method of water filtration, while at the same time enhances the overall landscape design. Further, the water contained in the pond can be used as irrigation for lawn and flowerbeds, topping off the swimming pool or hot tub, or even washing the car.
Ponds also come in handy when so many municipalities today have water bans. Capturing rainwater in a pond creates true self-sustainability, drastically reducing the need for chemically treated traditional water sources.
Pondering opportunities

Noise pollution in subdivisions and metropolitan areas can be a real concern. No one wants to sit and relax outside just to hear the sound of cars, or worse, neighbours. Water features such as ponds, which include moving water (e.g. waterfall), not only help to create a visual distraction, but also help to drown out many annoying sounds. Nature soundtracks are popular because people love to relax to the soothing melody of waterfalls and wildlife. Ponds help people escape from the world around them, whereby creating a private garden oasis. Further, they do not just attract creatures, they attract people—especially children. Ponds can help kids learn about the environment first-hand by interacting with a natural ecosystem.
For clients who have water drainage problems and/or noise pollution issues, or simply want to create a natural habitat in their backyard, natural ecosystem ponds are a great way to accomplish all of these things.
Melanie Downes is chief operations and marketing officer for Clearwater Ponds, certified aquascape and rainwater harvest contractors in Burlington, Ont. Downes has been in the pond industry for more than 10 years and is experienced in designing, installing, and maintaining natural waterscapes. The company recently opened a large showroom and retail store to cater to clients and contractors who want to build ponds and water features in the Golden Horseshoe area. Downes can be reached via e-mail at melaniedownes@msn.com.