Basic white plaster was and still is (arguably) the industry leader. However, problems include staining, mottling, roughness, and longevity. In the past, asbestos was added to the plaster mix, which greatly increased its longevity; lasting up to 30 years was not uncommon. Rated a three on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, plaster will generally last five to seven years; however, this is highly dependent on proper application and regular water maintenance. Plaster is typically used to finish low- to mid-range concrete swimming pool interiors.

Quartz finishes are more durable and esthetically pleasing than basic plaster. The longevity of this interior finish is also highly dependent on the method of application and water maintenance. These finishes typically last seven to 10 years; however, they can end up blotchy with different exposure rates. Quartz finishes are typically used on mid-range swimming pool projects.
Also popular are polished interior finishes comprising pebbles. These finishes can last more than 10 years and can be polished a few times to increase longevity and esthetic appeal; however, polishing should stop when reaching the pebble’s equator. The feel of the product is dependent on pebble size and highly subject to the actual applicator. This interior finish is a good choice for mid-range to high-end pool projects.

Tile pool finishes are both esthetically pleasing and resilient. Life expectancies can exceed more than 30 years; however, application techniques play a large role in their longevity. Tile finishes are typically found on high-end pool projects.
In conclusion
Both the consumer and the contractor are spoiled for choice when it comes to swimming pool interior finish options. Generally speaking, product longevity is reflected in its selling price. Buyers beware of the marketing hype as application excellence is one of the main factors that determines the esthetics and longevity of pool interior finishes.
Barry Justus is the founder and president of Poolscape Inc. He designs and lectures internationally, is a member of the Society of Watershape Designers and is a faculty instructor with Genesis 3 Design Group. Justus can be reached via e-mail at or by visiting